CMA Council & Standing Committees

There are numerous committees, commissions, task forces and ministries which assist in carrying out the ministry of the Chicago Metropolitan Association.

Chicago Metropolitan Association Council

The Association Council shall serve as the policy-making body of the Association between meetings of the whole Association. The Council shall meet at least six times a year except in July and August. Special meetings of the Council may be called as needed by the Executive Ministry Team. Members of the Council shall take office immediately following the Annual Celebration of the Illinois Conference.

Membership in the Council shall consist of the following 26 voting members and the Associate Conference Minister(s) assigned to the CMA.

  1. Officers: Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Secretary, and Treasurer
  2. Ten at-large Representatives, at least two of which shall be a Youth Representative (at least age 14 and not older than age 22 at date of election), elected for two (2) year terms with a two (2) term limit, with five (5) members elected each year
  3. One Representative from each of the Six Clusters
  4. Chair of the Congregational Life Ministry Team
  5. Chair of the Church and Ministry Team
  6. Chair of the Justice and Witness Ministry Team
  7. Chair of the Nominating Ministry Team
  8. Chair of the Youth & Young Adult Ministry Team
  9. One Chicago Metropolitan Association member of the Illinois Conference Personnel Committee, as determined by that group
  10. (1) to (2) Associate Conference Minister(s) assigned to the CMA, with voice but not vote.


Except as otherwise provided, a quorum at meetings of the Association Council shall consist of one-third of the voting members [9 voting members]. For matters involving appeals of the termination of standing for ministry, a quorum of the Association Council shall consist of one-half of the voting members [13 voting members].

For purposes of Quorum and for Voting, if an Association Council member is serving in two (2) positions that qualify for Association Council membership, then that person shall only exercise one vote and be considered as one (1) person for the counting of Quorum.


Budget Ministry Team
From the CMA Constitution

The Budget Committee shall be responsible for developing and monitoring a budget based on the Association’s allocation of the Illinois Conference budget. Within the parameters set by this budget, the Budget Committee will develop a proposed CMA budget for approval of the Association Council.


Church & Ministry Committee
From the CMA Constitution

1. Purpose: Ministerial Standing

Except as otherwise provided in this Revised Constitution, the Church and Ministry Team shall be responsible for granting, reviewing, transferring and terminating the standing of ordained, licensed and commissioned ministers of the Association.

Specifically, the purpose of the Church and Ministry Team shall be to:

a. Grant or terminate the authorized standing of ordained, licensed, and commissioned ministers.

b. Grant Privilege of Call in the United Church of Christ to authorized ministers of other denominations.

c. Exercise oversight of authorized ministers.

d. Request that the appropriate Cluster convene an Ecclesiastical Council, on behalf of the Association, for the purpose of examining candidates for ordination and authorizing those whose examinations have been sustained to be ordained.

e. Request ecclesiastical endorsement from the United Church of Christ for chaplains and certifications for professional organizations.

f. Grant, continue or terminate Member in Discernment status.

2. Purpose: Local Church Standing

The Church and Ministry Team shall be responsible for making recommendations regarding the granting, reviewing, transferring and terminating the standing of the Local Church. Recommendations on these matters are made by the Church and Ministry Team to the Association Council. The Association Council will consider these recommendations and recommend an action to be taken by the Association at a duly called meeting.

Congregational Life Committee
From the CMA Constitution

The Congregational Life Ministry Team shall be responsible for providing opportunities for congregations within the Association to become aware of resources within the UCC at the national and conference levels, within our related Institutions, and within other sources so that these congregations are able to be faithful stewards in their mission to proclaim the Gospel as viable and responsive church bodies in their respective neighborhoods, towns, and cities. The Congregational Life Ministry Team shall be responsible in collaboration with the Vice-Moderator for the planning and coordination of the CMA Annual Spring and Fall Meetings. 


Justice and Witness Committee
From the CMA Constitution

The Justice and Witness Ministry Team shall be responsible, in cooperation with other groups within the Association, to sustain a collective voice of social witness. The Ministry Team shall encourage the study, proclamation, and living of justice and peace in the Church and in the world.


Nominating Committee
From the CMA Constitution

The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for presenting nominees for positions to be elected by the Association at the Annual Meeting.

a. The Nominating Ministry Team shall present nominees for the offices of Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association.

b. The Nominating Ministry Team shall present nominees for members-at-large of the Association Council, the Congregational Life, the Justice and Witness, and the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Teams. It shall also present nominees for members of the Church and Ministry Team and the Nominating Ministry Team.

c. The Nominating Ministry Team shall recommend nominees to serve as representatives from the Chicago Metropolitan Association to the Illinois Conference Council, Illinois Conference Personnel Committee, Illinois Conference Budget Committee and other Conference Committees as requested by the Illinois Conference.

d. In even numbered years, the Nominating Ministry Team shall recommend a slate from the Chicago Metropolitan Association to serve as Delegates and Alternates to the General Synod of the United Church of Christ. Upon adoption at the Annual Meeting of the Association, this slate will be recommended for adoption at the Annual Meeting of the Illinois Conference.