The Chicago Metropolitan Association’s 92 congregations are spread across the beautiful city and out into its near suburbs. From neighborhood churches to suburban congregations, church families centered on ethnic traditions and those focused on multiracial, multicultural celebrations, sprawling buildings, house churches and the largest congregation in the United Church of Christ, CMA is rich in heritage and worship experiences. Active in one of the most diverse areas of the nation, CMA provides as varied a presence of the UCC and represents the intricate web of our wider church as people struggle together over issues, meet each other in the middle in ministry partnership, and lift one another up in shared hope.
As an association of the United Church of Christ, the Chicago Metropolitan Association aspires to be a multi-racial, multi-cultural, open and affirming, peace with justice expression of the denomination, accessible to all.
Responding to the call of the Gospel, the Chicago Metropolitan Association seeks to:
Empower Congregations:
By nurturing, strengthening and resourcing congregations and ministries, enabling them to be faithful stewards in their mission to proclaim the Gospel as viable and responsive church bodies in their respective neighborhoods, towns and cities.
Support a Ministry of Clergy and Lay Persons:
By raising up and sustaining capable leaders of vision and integrity to serve the local and global church, including preparation for ordained ministry and serving as agents of mediation and reconciliation.
Sustain a Collective Voice for Social Witness:
By encouraging the study, proclamation and living of justice and peace in the Church and in the world.
In order to carry out its witness to the Gospel, the Association will provide direct consultations; participate in celebrations and healings; communicate information; provide liaison and linkage with congregations, the wider church, and with our ecumenical partners; foster mediation and reconciliation; support the ministerial search and call process; serve as a place for discussion, networking, and action; and maintain partnerships with historically-related United Church of Christ institutions in the Chicago metropolitan area.